Thursday, July 29, 2010

So it begins...

Well here I am, joining the wonderful world of blogging. I have debated this for some time now, but quite honestly never felt I was interesting enough to follow. So what has changed my mind? I am a mom of 3 kids, ages 10, 3, and 5 months, and for anyone who has kids you know that there is always something to talk about with them. I find myself wanting to share the funny things they say, the accomplishments they've made, and the things that drive me crazy about them (not my kids!) And while I love being a stay at home mom I have found that I've lost myself and am looking to find an interest that is about me and makes me happy. I think I have found this in cake/cupcake baking and decorating. I've never really been a baker, but have always loved the thought of decorating cakes. Last Christmas my mil remembered me remarking on this and for Christmas gave me a lot of cake decorating tools to get me started. I have been teaching myself from the books she had given me by practicing on family. For every one's birthday I try something different, and have found myself loving it, loving it so much that I would like to turn it into a business. Of course, I need some more work, maybe even take some classes. I thought I could blog about my adventures in learning this new trait, post some pictures of my successes, and tell of my disasters. So there it is. I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures of a mother and a wanna be cake baker and decorator. If not, at least this gives me a chance to get my thoughts out of my head. :)