Friday, August 13, 2010

Adventures in cake baking...

So I have my first "job" as a cake baker/decorator! I'm so excited and thankful that a good friend of mine has so generously allowed me to make the cake for her daughter's birthday, who just so happens to be Emma's BFF. She has requested a chocolate and strawberry cake. It just so happens I've never done either of these cakes from scratch before, so what is one to do? Try them out of course! I got very lucky on the chocolate cake and found a delicious recipe on the first try. In Emma's words "this is yummy yummy, the best cake I've ever had!" For the strawberry cake I had my friend over to taste the cake and for us to decide on how to decorate.
After 2 takes on the strawberry cake I am happy to say I now have a good recipe for that as well. Decorating for a 4 year old girl is simple, you make sure as much as possible is pink, then you add sparkles, and top it off with a tiara of course! I can't wait for the big day to see how it all comes together. Pictures will be posted.
I've really learned a lot this week, and it continues to excite me about the possibilities.

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